To run the Knowledge Adventure CD-ROM Mega Sampler, you will need the following hardware and software:
• System 7.0 or greater
• A Macintosh with a 68030/68040 or Power PC processor
• 3.2 MB available RAM. (Your computer will need a total of 5 MB RAM under System 7.0, and 8MB total RAM under System 7.5 or newer)
• A single speed (or faster) CD-ROM drive
• A 13” or larger color monitor capable of displaying 256 or more colors
• QuickTime 1.6 or better (QuickTime 2.0 included)
• Sound Manager 3.0 (included)
• If you have a 5MB Macintosh, you will need at least 3200k of available memory. You can find out how much is available by going to the ‘Finder’ and selecting ‘About this Macintosh’ from the Apple menu. The largest unused block is the amount of free memory your system has. If your system does not have enough memory, you can make more memory available by de-installing extensions and control panels that you do not use very often. To de-install an extension or a control panel, open your System Folder and create a folder called ‘Inactive.’ Then, open the Extensions Folder, which is inside the System Folder, and drag any items that you don’t need into the ‘Inactive’ folder. Programs such as At Ease can take up valuable amounts of memory on your machine, and if you don’t use them much they may take up memory you will need. Most programs that install extensions and control panels have an option to de-install from within the installer that installed them. This may be a safer choice if you are not sure what extensions you should remove. To find out how much memory you saved by moving an extension out of the Extensions Folder, restart your computer. When you have removed enough extensions to bring your memory up to 3300-3400k, you should be able to run the product. You should also close all of your desk accessories.
• If you do not have Sound Manager 3.0, and QuickTime 1.6 or greater, you will need to install them. If you have older versions of these extensions, you will need to drag them from your Extensions Folder (located in your System Folder) to the Trash before you install the new versions (do not empty the Trash until after you restart). You can find Sound Manager 3.0 and QuickTime 2.0 in the folder named “put in system folder’ on the CD-ROM drive. Drag them to the System Folder. A dialog box will ask you to confirm that you want to install these extensions, and then they will automatically be placed in the Extensions Folder within the System Folder. Restart your Macintosh. When it has finished starting up, empty the Trash. To find out if the extension you have is old, you can use the ‘Get Info’ utility in the Finder. To use ‘Get Info”, you first click on the file in question and then select ‘Get Info’ from the ‘File’ menu. A box will come up on the screen which will contain the version information.
• If ‘Virtual Memory’ is on in the ‘Memory’ control panel, turn it off. This will improve the performance of QuickTime movies.
• If you had to turn ‘Virtual Memory’ off, or if you installed any system extensions (Sound Manager and QuickTime are system extensions), restart your computer.
Questions and Answers:
Question: When I play movies, they do not play well on my computer. How can I make them play better?
Answer: First, you should disable any screen savers and desk accessories that you have open or enabled. If the movies still do not play well, make sure that you are not running any other applications. If you are running on a very large monitor (larger than 17”), you may want to switch your monitors resolution down to 800x600 or smaller. You should make sure that you are not connected to a network. Make sure that ‘Virtual Memory’ is off in the ‘Memory’ control panel, and that 32 bit addressing is on.
Technical Support:
If you have any additional questions, you can contact us for technical support by:
Phone (Technical Support): 818-249-0212
Fax (Technical Support): 818-542-4205
Phone (Customer Service): 800-542-4240
BBS: (modem settings N,8,1): 818-248-0166
Mail: Knowledge Adventure, Inc.; 4502 Dyer St.; LA Crescenta, CA 91214.
Apple, Macintosh, Sound Manager, and QuickTime are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All brand or product names are registered trademarks of their respective holders.